

Historical records show that wildlife protection had been given importance even during the Vedic and Mughal periods. Not long ago, before the merger of the province state, the local rulers of Rewa state generally maintained their own game reserve (Shikargahs) where regulated shooting was practiced only for the sake of game and sport. After the formation of the state of Vindhya Pradesh in 1948, initiatives for wildlife conservation were taken up. Hunting of wild animals by public was forbidden in the state and led to severe punishments.

Legally, forest protection in Rewa State started since 1927 with the enactment of "Kanoon Jungle Riyasat, Rewa (Baghelkhand), 1927". For the first time, the forests were accorded a legal status and were classified into Reserved Forests and Aam Jungle. Mr Harlow, known as the ‘father of modern working plans’ came to the Rewa state on deputation in Nov 1929 from Central Provinces and Berar at the invitation of the Rewa Darbar. Subsequently The Rewa Forest Act 1935 distinguished two types of forests – Reserved and Protected.

The abundance of the tigers in the area could be assessed from the fact that 13 Tigers were shot (06 males, 05 females 02 cubs) during the period of 10 days from 27 th May to 6th June, 1951.

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